Arra, Up Close and Personal

Arra, Up Close and Personal

Aoki, Daddy, and Ming

Aoki, Daddy, and Ming
I'm not spoiled he make me works! Hard too!

Simmons Money!

Russell Simmons has been instrumental in bringing hip-hop to every facet of business and media since its inception in the late 1970s: in music with the co-founding of the immensely successful original Def Jam Recordings; in the fashion industry with the trail-blazing Phat Farm, BabyPhat, Run Athletics, and Def Jam University clothing lines; in film with Simmons Lathan Media Group; in television with HBO’s “The Def Comedy Jam” and “Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry”; on Broadway with the Tony Award winning stage production “Russell Simmons Def Poetry Jam on Broadway”; in the financial services industry with UniRush and its RushCard and Baby Phat RushCard; in fine jewelry with The Simmons Jewelry Co; in video gaming, mobile communications and other industries utilizing the internationally recognized Def Jam brand through Def Jam Enterprises; and in the community with Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation and the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network. Russell is a sought-after public speaker and regularly addresses audiences ranging from public school children and university students to corporate executives and community leaders.

2010 Dis is Family Business, Mind Ya Business!

The Forbidden Fruit

This is something I wanted to share with you I posted on Twitter. When Life brings you lemons make lemonade don't waste your time trying to be all up in somebody's cool aid? Do YOU and only YOU! People when you put so much energy and effort into minding somebody else business can you tell me who is minding yours? Just because somebody else made you feel unworthy don't put other "innocent" people under scrutiny because of your insecurity! In the beginning when all of these crazy games started taking place I blamed on the white man! and I still do because if it wasn't for them being insecure from the beginning taking their asses over to Africa then robbing Arra ancestors of everything then enslaving them, not allowing them to speak their language and whipped their asses and called them dumb and wouldn't allow them to obtain an education, we wouldn't' be here. Do you think before we were enslaved we were sitting around looking at one another trying to compare our features, our talents and skills. Hell no! We were over there like ok he can do this, you can do that, put her over this and let make ish happen and here come the "evolutionaries" trying to change shit and causing confusion which leads us to the BS we face today within our own ethnic groups and through out the world. My prayer is this I would love for everybody to just meditate on themselves. You can look and the mirror will help you paint a realistic picture of you. One that only you can judge, accept, or change. Stop letting outside negativity be your guiding forces. Please slow down and take the time to sweep around your own doors. This is why so many families are destroyed! We are afraid of ourselves so instead of accepting responsibility for our stupid actions we try to place blame and when shit gets hot! We retreat! Confront that thang!!! Stopping running please! Break the cycle know that you are beautiful and capable of being loved however you must know you and that you are capable of loving yourself unconditionally without fear of judgment from others based on past experiences. Happy Valentine's Day people! I love you even if you don't love yourselves! I think about Adam and Eve and a conversation my mother and I had yesterday. Read the message attached with this photo. Now tell me do you think Eve ate an apple and do you think that the Serpent who was watching (the Devil) wasn't a "evolutionary". Why Eve? Eve was the weaker of the two, Adam and Eve, and the evolutionary was a watcher he knew that if she ate the "fruit" from the Tree of knowledge, wait! stop! The fruit and the tree of knowledge! Was it really fruit, an apple a day keeps the doctor away right, it doesn't make you sin? An I dunno bout yall but apples are "cleansers" if you catch my drift. So the Evolutionary was chillin by a Cocoa plant and it wasn't hot chocolate growing on it. Yall better ask somebody "don't bite the apple EVE!" So Eve ate this "apple" from the Cocoa plant and all these damn thoughts started Growing through her mind and the evolutionary played her. "Gone on over there and tell Adam what you did" says the Evolutionary, "don't be ashamed he like what he sees in you"... Remember she was naked and high, come on yall! If it was present day she prolly would have been on a pole dancing and when Adam was like "girl what you doing" he was tempted by what he saw. He didn't know any better remember they only knew what God told them the evolutionary changed the game. Yall know God made us (Eves) in Adam's image and Adam was made in HIS image. So call us by our names, most Evolutionaries don't believe in God but they Fear us just the same! But we are also pleasing to Adam so just imagine how pleasing and appealing she was naked, high and on the pole! Whoa On and On, my cipher keeps moving like a rolling stone!

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